Friday, December 12, 2003

A Merry Christmas for Content Writers at Search Engine Roundtable Weblog

A Merry Christmas for Content Writers at Search Engine Roundtable Weblog: "A Merry Christmas for Content Writers
Hi everyone-- I'm honored to be a part of this little adventure and hope to have some good discussions here.
For my inaugural post I'd like to mention a little gem from a post on High Rankings Forum's Florida update thread. (Seems every forum has one or ten.) The moderator Old Welsh Guy, in his normal brilliantly funny fashion, has composed a verse for a Christmas card to Google.

Your Algo sucks
times are now hard
here's your XXXXXX
Christmas card
He's kidding, of course (he did fine in the update), but it's pretty amusing.
The upshot of this (long, of course) thread, and the related (very long) threads on the other forums I frequent, is that:
1) Florida's been really hard on a lot of people. The jury's still out on the conspiracy theories, and there's currently a lot of debate among those who chose to make changes to their sites to recover rankings and those who made no changes-- it seems ranking are returning to many, and they're returning to both those who changed and those who didn't.
2) Content sites have fared well. Content seems to be as important as ever, if not more so. Which is a premise from which I will be making a lot more posts in the future: if content is king, how do I get some good content?
3) Don't take free traffic for granted. We're all looking forward to the day when Google has some decent competitors.
But, again, see #2: they all like good, quality content. "

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