Friday, March 11, 2005

Google Responds to Cloaking Accusations

Report summarises this issue which has been rumbling around all week: "Google has taken the unusual step of removing some of its own Web pages from its Web index after reports that the pages used a search-optimization method frowned upon by the search engine.

Search-engine watchers this week widely noted the appearance of so-called 'cloaking' on a set of user support pages on Google's AdWords advertising program. The pages were displaying different title information to Google's Web crawler than to regular visitors to the pages."

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Google personalises news site

This feature emphasises Google's user centric focus and is a move to let users organise search results according to their own criteria rather than by algorithmic determined ranking (or date in the case of news.)

This raises the question of when and how they will launch personalisation of the main index search results and how this will impact on search engine optimisation?

CNET reports that: "Google began testing new customization features on its news aggregation site Wednesday in a salvo against competition from Microsoft...

Google's News: FAQ: "What is customized news?""We've made a number of improvements to Google News that allow you to customize your News front page by creating sections that focus on topics you care about, for instance, your favorite sports team, technology, or celebrity... "You can also design your custom front page by mixing and matching existing standard sections from the 22 regional editions of Google News from around the globe."

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Google Search: adds weather feature

Google Search: weather palo alto, ca: "2 results stored on your computer - Hide - About
Google adds Weather feature - en q=weather palo alto%2C ca btnG - 10:56am
Google Web Search Features - 165 University Ave Palo Alto CA) in the - Nov 29"

Google in the News Listed...

BlogShares - Google

Monday, March 07, 2005

Google desktop search out of beta

CNET "Google has introduced a full version of its desktop-search software, with a developer's kit and support for the Firefox and Netscape browsers."

LSI - latent semantic indexing according to Google

Google Groups : SEM 2.0: "Google says...

Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) is a novel, patented information
retrieval method developed at Telcordia Technologies, Inc. By using
statistical algorithms, LSI can retrieve relevant documents even when
they do not share any words with a query. LSI uses these statistically
derived 'concepts' to improve search performance by up to 30%.

http://lsi.research.telcordia.�com/ "