Monday, January 05, 2004

Google Dance Syndrome Strikes Again, Part s 1,2,3

Google Dance Syndrome Strikes Again, Part 2: "Google Dance Syndrome Strikes Again,"

Q. Does this mean Google no longer uses the PageRank algorithm?

Google never used the PageRank algorithm to rank Web pages. PageRank is a component of the overall algorithm, a system Google uses to measure how important a page is based on links to it. It's always been the case link context was considered, as well as page content.

Unfortunately, some call Google's system of ranking "PageRank." Google itself can make this mistake, as on its Webmaster's information page:

The method by which we find pages and rank them as search results is determined by the PageRank technology developed by our founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin.
The page describing Google's technology more accurately puts PageRank at the "heart" of the overall system, rather than give the system that name.

PageRank was never the factor that beat all others. It's been, and continues to be, the case that a page with lower PageRank might rank higher than a page with a higher PageRank. Search for books. and if you have the PageRank meter switched on in the Google Toolbar, you'll see how The Online Books Page with a PageRank of eight comes above O'Reilly, although O'Reilly has a PageRank of nine. That's a quick example. You can see more by checking yourself.

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