Sunday, December 05, 2004

Toolbar PageRank is dead, long live PageRank...

JohnGalt That's not my real name... put the cat amongst the pigeons with his post at forums.searchenginewatch "Google says: Toolbar PageRank is for entertainment purposes only..."

He claims to have received the following from a Google rep...""The PageRank that is displayed in the Google Toolbar is for entertainment purposes only. Due to repeated attempts by hackers to access this data, Google updates the PageRank data very infrequently because is it not secure. On average, the PR that is displayed in the Google Toolbar is several months old. If the toolbar is showing a PR of zero, this is because the user is visiting a new URL that hasn't been updated in the last update. The PR that is displayed by the Google Toolbar is not the same PR that is used to rank the webpage results so there is no need to be concerned if your PR is displayed as zero. If a site is showing up in the search results, it doesn't not have a real PR of zero, the Toolbar is just out of date"

The amount of hot air this has generated in a flurry of forum posts indicates that PageRank mania (severe cases of OCD) is still crippling those who hold the delusional belief that the little green line is the holy grail..

Googleguy chips in at seoroundtable
with a refutation which is not wholly convincing and sends the commentators into a dizzy spin trying to interpret what he really means...

Perhaps a tad more helpful are the "facts" that bobmutch posts about the redundancy of the PR toolbar at "Toolbar PR used to be updated every month up until Jun 22/2004 when PR went for 106 days without an update (longest on record before that was Aug 8/2003 and Oct 22/2000 at 54 days)... We currently haven't have a Toolbar PR update for 57 days, a BL update for 7 days (Nov 25) and a Google Directory PR update for 35 days (Oct 28).

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