Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Google Search: totaltravel.com -site:www.totaltravel.com

Google Search: totaltravel.com -site:www.totaltravel.com: "Results 1 - 10 of about 47,600 for totaltravel.com -site:www.totaltravel.com."

Google would not display all the links it knows linking to your website. While the exact criterion of display is not published, generally we have seen that Google displays links from web pages having a PR of 4 and above. Please rest assured that even though Google may display a lesser number
of links pointing to your site, you will get benefit from all the links Google has learned as long as they have a positive PR (i.e. PR > 0).

While there is no accurate command to find out all the sites linking to you, the following command will give you a bigger list of sites who are possibly linking to you:

yoursite.com -site:www.yoursite.com

The above syntax instructs Google to show all the pages that have the word "yoursite.com" without showing pages from your own site. While it will list a lot more sites than their standard link command does, the flaw in the above command is that all pages that mention your site name may not necessarily be linking to you. There are also instances where it shows up pages where an email address containing 'yoursite.com' is listed on the page.

Despite its shortcoming, this syntax is a good way to evaluate approximately the number of sites linking to you. Notice that in the above command the www is omitted in the first part, because sometimes sites link to your domain name without including 'www' in the text

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