Monday, January 31, 2005

Update re one-ad-per-domain rule

" Kevin Lee | January 28, 2005: It's been a few weeks since Google implemented its one-ad-per-domain rule. The rule was designed to provide a better user experience for searchers by eliminating multiple ads that lead to the same domain. Affiliates may bid on direct links, but they compete with merchant sites and other affiliates in the auction. This competition results in an invisible bidding war within the AdWords system."

Concludes that: "Any pages that contain duplicate content (served via a Web service or data feed) without value-added content could encourage search engines to change their organic algorithms to ferret out and penalize sites with duplicate content. The merchant site itself may be penalized if the product copy sent through the data feeds and APIs (define) is the same used on the primary site.

A few merchants and affiliates who take advantage of paid search and pushing the line on acceptable practices may cause major algorithmic changes at Google, Yahoo!, and MSN.

Search engine marketing may become an industry where the unintended consequences result in a cure worse than the disease."

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