Friday, May 13, 2005

Google AdSense: New Features

Google AdSense - Google AdSense: What's New: "As part of our goal to improve the monetisation of your sites, Google has introduced a number of new features for advertisers, which will directly impact you as an AdSense publisher...

Site targeting: focusing on the audience...Site-targeted ads allow advertisers to select the specific sites they feel are most appropriate to their campaign, and to run their ads only on those sites

CPM bidding: a new way to generate revenue... set a maximum CPM bid - that is, the price they are willing to pay for every thousand impressions – and pay on a per-impression basis. This means that, unlike pay-per-click ads, you will earn revenue each time a CPM ad is displayed on your site.

Expanded text ads: testing new formats... text ads that expand to fill the entire ad unit, so that only a single ad will appear in that unit

More image ads: include a small number of Flash ads from a test group of advertisers...and ..wide skyscraper (160x600) format to make a total of 5 ad formats supporting image ads

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