Friday, April 30, 2004


OOP: "There is no over optimization penalty:

From GG: 'Has Google applied some sort of OOP or filter to the algorithm since the Florida update or was the drastic change in SERPs purely the result of new ranking criteria?'

It's the second one. People post around here about filters, blocking, penalties, etc. etc. A far better explanation is 'things which used to work before don't receive the same amount of credit now.' It's natural for people who are way out there with their linking strategies or their page-building strategies to think of a drop as an over-optimization penalty, but it's more realistic to conclude that Google is weighting criteria differently so that over-optimized sites just aren't doing as well now. "

Later in discussion: OOP: "I had 2 sites with 2 owners both targeting the same phrase

they had the one and 2 postions

they both got kicked out during florida

the one guy didn't sweat it , the ohter was emailing wanting to try anything

I took the keywords out of about 50 inbound links and took the keywords out of the title tag and a bunch of the text

nothing happened then suddenly they where both back except the guy whose site was the same was at number 1 and the one i had chaged was number 25 "

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