Friday, February 03, 2006

Adsense Rich Media Beta

Adsense Rich Media Beta: "I just received an invitation to be part of the big G's Rich Media AdSense program. Has anybody heard of this yet? They ask for a variety of CPM rates. I've never done CPM just done adsense. I'm hoping people might be able to give a range for the following:
Expanding ads CPM:
Floating ads CPM:
Audio/Video ads CPM:
Prestitial ads CPM:
Intersitial ads CPM:
Dedicated home page placement (no out of the box) CPM:...

After doing some research here is what I've found:
Expanding ads CPM: $8 - $20
Floating ads CPM: $8 - $20
Audio/Video ads CPM: $35 - $70
Prestitial ads CPM: $35 - $60
Intersitial ads CPM: $30 - $50
Dedicated home page placement (no out of the box) CPM: $10 - $30 "

Google Tests VoIP Ads

Google Testing VoIP Ads: "Google confirmed on Tuesday that they are working with Florida based VoIP Inc. to introduce a new system of click-to-call advertising to Adwords, their popular paid search advertisement system. Google has been testing the service since last fall with select advertisers...

The Click-to-Call program brings together two of Google's interests -- Internet phone calls and advertising, said industry analyst David Lemelin of In-Stat...

With Google already exploring print advertising and last month's purchase of radio advertising company dMarc Broadcasting, it's becoming more and more clear that Google's long-term plans are to act as an advertising brokerage for all types of media, not just search and contextual media."

Judge postpones Google subpoena hearing | CNET

Judge postpones Google subpoena hearing | CNET "Google's attempt to fend off the government's request for millions of search terms will move to a federal court in San Jose, Calif., on March 13...

The outcome will determine whether the U.S. Justice Department will prevail in its fight to force Google to help it defend an anti-pornography law in a trial in Philadelphia this fall...

..the Justice Department also demanded that Yahoo, Microsoft and America Online to hand over similar records, Google was the only recipient that chose to fight the subpoena in court.

Court documents reveal that the Justice Department has been pressuring Google for excerpts from its search logs for half a year. Prosecutors hope to use the excerpts to show that filtering software can't protect children online...

Prosecutors are requesting a "random sampling" of 1 million Internet addresses accessible through Google's popular search engine, and a random sampling of 1 million search queries submitted to Google over a one-week period...

The request is part of the Justice Department's attempt to defend the constitutionality of the Child Online Protection Act. The law orders commercial Web sites to shield minors from materials that may be "harmful" to them--or face prison time--a requirement that the American Civil Liberties Union claims it violates free expression rights"

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Unified Theory of Google

Unified Theory of Google: "Google has been undergoing a remarkable series of changes over the past six months as it adds new features, acquires new technologies and expands its operations. It is no longer a pure search engine company though its search engine is the most popular around the world. Google acknowledged the shift early last summer when CEO Eric Schmidt famously defined Google as a media company.
That is an important distinction moving forward towards global domination. Google is a very big business, one that is growing faster and far more powerful than any other business before it. In seven short years, Google has grown from a university dorm room to universal dominance...

Quick tour of Google lesser projects...

...No honest SEO is 100% certain about anything in regards to Google, however, following the Jagger algorithm update, we are confidently certain Google has incorporated several of the concepts covered in their March 2005 patent application, “Information retrieval based on historical data”. (click here to read our examination of the patent)..

The Unified Theory of Google, (and it is only a theory), suggests to us that as Google grows into itself, it will subtly favour information found within its own databases. We believe this provides a series of indispensable tools along with a basic outline for client campaigns that uses the strengths of Google to propel client sites to the top of the general SERPs."

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Google offers fee-based online ad analytics | CNET

Google offers fee-based online ad analytics | CNET "Google is partnering with Seattle-based Zaaz to offer a fee-based service for advertisers who need more support, consulting and training than they can get from the search giant's free analytics service.

Zaaz will offer high-end data analysis and marketing services including accuracy audits and data collection best practices, forecasting models, competitive analysis and site optimization...

Google said anyone seeking a new Google Analytics account will need to request an invitation.

"Today, we sent out another batch of invitations to many of you who expressed interest in a Google Analytics account," the company said in a posting on its Web site Thursday. "If you have not received an invitation, please continue to be patient. Although we are adding system capacity every day, the demand for Google Analytics accounts still outpaces our ability to add resources,"

Microsoft also offers a service that lets customers monitor how their online ad campaigns are faring. Last month, Yahoo launched a service that lets customers compare the effectiveness of online ads side-by-side with advertisements on radio, television and in print"

Reactions to Googles censored search results in China

� Reactions to Google�s censored search results in China: "When you do a search in the new, censored version of Google in China, you find a message at the bottom of the results page that translates like this:
�In accordance with local law, regulations, and government policies, a portion of search results are not shown. has been called the Eunuch Version. Google Blogscoped shows just how castrated the Chinese version of Googles search engine is.
Read on for reactions and analyses from blogs and web sites all over the world."

Grading Google

Is Google's dependence on one main revenue stream search ads (Adwords) its achilles heel? Twelve page article runs through all of Google's current products and finds most of them weak and lacking marketing ...

on Grading Google - "Can Google ever go wrong? With a stock price hovering around $435, Google ranks as one of the world's most valuable companies, and competitors quake at its name...

Google’s one and only successful marketplace is a system for the buying and selling of ads, but Card thinks a Google Money product is possible."